OMA Marketing



Facebook advertising

Instagram advertising


This was a small 2 months project which was done in collaboration with a graphic design agency Add2. The entrepreneur wanted more traffic on the website and purchases from the webshop. The law office offers ready-made law document templates and guides on its webshop. The office had 3 target groups which were classified as the ideal clients. Add2 was responsible for the visual design, and I was responsible for marketing and advertising.

Näyttökuva 2022-8-16 kello 14.23.15


We ended up running campaigns on Facebook and Instagram for 2 months to create awareness about the law office, its services, and the webshop. Each target group had one campaign dedicated to them so we had 3 campaigns running. During the second month, we also had a retargeting campaign to retarget website visitors.


The conversion percentages for the webshop were between 6 and 8%, and the website visitors rose by 248% percent through Facebook. The law office got also one new lead per week.


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