Graphic Design Agency


Social Media Advertising & Management

Paid Search Advertising



Add2 is a graphic design agency. They had 3 objectives which were:

  1. They were searching for someone who could have helped them with setting up an Instagram account and advised getting started with it.
  2. They wanted to collect email addresses in exchange for the e-guide they had created.
  3. They wanted to increase downloads of seasonal zoom backgrounds created by them and increase the demand for their other online services.

Both the e-guide and zoom backgrounds were accessible on their website. From time to time I also consulted them with their questions from a marketing perspective. 


We ended up having a 3 months project where we tackled the objectives. 

1st objective

 I set up an Instagram account for Add2 and guided them with its usage. Since it was a graphic design agency, it was natural that they planned their feed and created the content themselves. I had more of an advisory role in content planning. However, the Instagram account management (posting, community management, and texts) were up to me.

2nd objective

First, I set up a Google Ads account for Add2. Then I did keyword research and planned the Google Ads campaign for the e-guide to collect email addresses and simultaneously drive traffic to the website. Also, a small amount of the budget was allocated to the visibility of the graphic design agency and its services as well. 

3rd objective

3rd objective was tackled with different Instagram and Facebook Ads campaigns through Facebook Ads Manager. 
We had ad campaigns for the agency itself and some of its digital products such as the downloadable Zoom background and picture editing service.


The Instagram account of Add2 went from 0 to 200 followers in 3 months.
They got new email subscriptions every day and a constant stream of website visitors through Google Ads. In percentages, it was a 411% increase in website visitors. It is worth mentioning here that they did not try to drive traffic to their website before. Previously they could have had just a few website visitors, so it is very natural that once we used paid advertising the percentage is so high. 
Instagram and Facebook Ads resulted in new Facebook page followers, website visitors, and Zoom background downloads. 

See other projects:



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